Group says the Minnesota packaging EPR legislation before Governor Walz demonstrates that each state is unique and should approach any recycling, composting and packaging policy by first considering its existing infrastructure and laws.
Organization remains steadfast in pursuing its goals to promote balanced, science-based policy decisions around some of the most critical issues for packaging today: producer responsibility, labeling, recycled content mandates, and many more.
Through a series of instructional videos, as well as print and banner ads, the company aims to guide customers through the proper pronunciation of Rychiger.
In a period where budgets are extremely tight and layoffs are being made, many companies find it difficult to justify assigning resources to innovation.
The Hispack 2024 report points out that, although the challenge of sustainability is not new, it is more of a priority for companies because of regulatory changes and the greater awareness of consumers who demand more environmentally friendly packaging.
First course is designed to help industry insiders learn more about the principles of thermoformed packaging and how thermoforming can impact sustainability initiatives.
Sustainable Packaging Services combines new and existing digital services that enable manufacturers to monitor and respond to changing global regulations on sustainable packaging.